A Royal Priesthood

In the days of Ezekiel when the priesthood was restored, Levites who had strayed from God were kept in the outer courts. Only those descended from Zadok, whose name means Righteousness, could minister before the Lord. These sons of righteousness wore special clothing that had to be removed when they left the inner court so that people would not be consecrated through contact with their garments. (Ezekiel 44:10-19)

Thousands of years later, a woman who had suffered with an issue of blood for twelve desperate years heard about Jesus. Although her bleeding was considered a defilement that would have prevented her from being among people, she joined the crowd behind Jesus because she believed she would be consecrated and healed through touching His garment. (Mark 5:27-28) By faith she recognized that Jesus came straight from the presence of God as the true Son of Righteousness. Unlike the Levitical priests that descended from Zadok whose righteousness was kept from the people, Jesus imparted a divine righteousness from God to people.

This outward flowing ministry from God marks a restoration to the original order for priests that predates Zadok, the Levites, and the law: the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek means King of Righteousness which makes his priesthood superior to Zadok and all other Levitical priests both because of its kingly authority and because it set the precedent for ministry. It is in this preeminent, royal, priestly order that Jesus is appointed High Priest forever. His ministry does not demand sacrifice but offers Himself as the sacrifice that makes perfect all who come to God through Him.

The first and only time Melchizedek appears in scripture is after a battle has been won. He met Abram in the valley with bread and wine and words of blessing because God had defeated Abram's enemies for him. (Gen. 14:17-20) The new covenant ministry of Christ is also based on a battle having been won by the Lord for us; and it brings out the the bread and wine, the body and blood of our Savior, the elements of His sacrifice for us as the evidence that we have the victory and blessing of God. This ministry is the Priesthood of Jesus: one that goes out to people beyond the temple to meet people where they are and bless them with the good news that the body and blood of Jesus makes all who touch Him forever holy, perfect, and whole.

We are now a royal priesthood clothed in the righteousness of the Son that blesses, heals, and consecrates all who believe and receive Him. This study expounds on the ways that the Levitical Priesthood was a necessary stand in for us to understand Jesus who has now replaced that old order and old covenant with the new priestly order based on better promises.


Jacob have I loved


No mere man