Be-Loved Topics
Here are a few topics that could be discussed in a small group dinner, offered as workshops, shared in a larger speaking engagement, or developed into an article or other written piece. Please note that these are just a sample of topics that Be-Loved Resources can offer. When you click on each title, you will be taken to a longer description of the topic that features a mock syllabus or video link to expound on each idea. Enjoy exploring, and please feel free to contact Joanna with questions, or for more information.
Comparisons between those who remained in a place of love, intimacy, and favor, and those who were not at home in relationship, in order to understand what it means to be loved.
The Levitical priesthood required people to enter a temple to be cleansed; but Jesus meets people where they are, beyond the temple, to cleanse, heal, and be touched by our infirmities.
Men and women in the Bible are more than merely human; they were real people, but their lives have deep spiritual significance far beyond who they were by natural estimation.
This topic examines the ways that those with persistent and complex PTSD can have hope for healing through the person of Jesus: His death and resurrection life applied in us who believe.
Passover is the meal that the Lord longed to eat with those He loved, on the night before He was crucified. Enjoy learning about the significance of that Passover feast, and how it became a holy communion as loved ones celebrated traditional elements with Jesus as their Light.
A creative workshop for meditating on scripture through recreating the metaphors and imagery that God gives us in His Word.
An exploration of what it means to be filled and enlivened by the Lord through considering the ways that musical instruments are held, touched, breathed into and practiced.